Bray. (Open to all beginner students) Saturdays 11-12 (or 11-12.30) and advanced students 11.45-1.30pm
A few different classes run on Saturdays. Sept 2017 we will be running again with our beginners class at 11am.
This class time MAY change from week to week. (Sorry) Sometimes Feis events interrupt the running of this extra class which is open to registered students with the Fegan Academy. Whenever there is a change all registered pupils will be notified.
Class for new beginners to the Fegan Academy. Intro first term €50 for 10 week term.
Another Class will also run for all level pupils 11.45-1.15pm or 12 to 1.30pm
This may be paid weekly for students who take term class during the week or by agreed term for only class of the week.
Special rate for our new beginners.